As I was trying desperately to make it to dinner on time in Vancouver, I turned on my trusty TomTom GO 910Â and plotted my way to Banana Leaf restaurant….
First mistake – not listen to my co-worker when he said it’s at 3005 W Broadway in Kitsiliano. That was 5:55pm.
Second mistake – allowing TomTom to use its point of interest list to send me to the 850 W Broadway. At this point, I have already parked my car, paid $4 worth of parking to find out I went to the WRONG restaurant. Timecheck: 6:30pm
Third mistake – allowing TomTom to guide me to 3005 W Broadway in Kitsiliano! In TomTom’s brilliance, it decided that 3005 W Broadway = 3005 Broadway = 3005 Broadway E. That’s about 6000 house numbers away from the restaurant, and about 2 minute from the Burnaby office (that I originated from). Frustrated and mad, I check the clock, 6:55pm. I reluctuntly called my collegue at the restaurant, embrassed, and said I will pick them up at the restaurant to the hotel instead of eating with them.
Finally… punching 3005 Broadway E. in Kitsiliano took me to the restaurant I wanted. Timecheck: 7:40pm.  Did I bother to pay for parking until 8pm? Nope… nor did I care enough to do so.
Lesson of the day – trust your instinct and your friends while driving in Vancouver. Unlike the commercial, I am not going to ask “TomTom, where’s W Broadway” again!
(TomTom will be getting a nasto-gram from me very very soon…Â this isn’t the first bad direction I got)